Dr. Cramer has been performing research and development in processing, characterization, and testing of high temperature materials, including ceramics, cermets, ceramic matrix composites, heat exchange, and high temperature thermoelectrics. He is a new staff scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) but has led projects on reaction-bonded ceramics, metal-matrix composites, cermets, binder jet additive manufacturing, and ceramic lithography printing for next generation of ultra-high temperature, harsh environment ceramic, composite and hybrid materials for use in aerospace, aero-engine, nuclear and advanced energy applications throughout his postdoctoral research assignment. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Colorado State University in 2017. He has published literature in processing, ceramics, thermoelectrics, additive manufacturing, and materials characterization. He also has interest in extrusion Robocasting ceramic printing as well as hot pressing and field-assisted sintering techniques. He has two patents and several patent disclosures filed since working at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Dr. Cramer’s current areas of research include ceramic and composite materials development for additive manufacturing (including binder jetting, extrusion robocasting, and lithography), development of new metal-matrix and ceramic-matrix composites, processing of ceramics, conditioning/coating of ceramic powders, and novel processing and printing of continuous fiber ceramic matrix composites. He is a member of ACERS and SME. He is a US citizen.
2024 SME Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award
Professional Service
Chair ACerS East Tennessee Chapter
University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics (UCAH) Board Member
Specialized Equipment
Ceramic SLA printers
Layup for CMCs