Christian G Salvador
Aerosol Science and Technology Research Staff
Dr. Christian Mark Salvador is an environmental and atmospheric chemist with a wide range of experience in understanding the formation of atmospheric pollutants. His main focus is to comprehend the impact of anthropogenic emissions on the atmospheric conditions of biogenic environments such as marine and forest regions. Dr. Christian was involved in several international collaborative studies where he utilized online and continuous mass spectrometric techniques to probe the transformation of volatile organic carbons (VOCs) in both indoor and outdoor environments. He also worked on the rapid characterization of real-world gas and particle compounds from heavy-duty vehicles/trucks, buses, and ships and determine the contribution of different fuel types and exhaust after-treatment systems to total emissions. To further understand the molecular level growth of aerosols, he simulated the formation of atmospheric pollutants from its precursor compounds using a Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM) and ATCHEM, which are near explicit chemical mechanisms of gas-phase chemical reaction models. Dr. Christian was named as one of the Outstanding Ph.D. Graduate of Taiwan International Graduate Program for his exceptional work on the analysis of organonitrates as a potential tracer of urban activities in a forest site.
Prior to ORNL, Dr. Christian held a researcher position in the Atmospheric Science Division, Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Now at ORNL, he conducts studies on the aerosol chemistry of the formation Uranyl particles and the effects of environmental conditions on such process.