Chenyang Jiang Polarization Scientist Contact 812.361.5927 | All Publications An overview of polarized neutron instruments and techniques in Asia Pacific Conceptual Polarization Setup at CENTAUR, the SANS/WANS Instrument at the Second Target Station of SNS CENTAUR—The small- and wide-angle neutron scattering diffractometer/spectrometer for the Second Target Station of the Spallation Neutron Source Neutron diffraction study of magnetism in van der Waals layered MnBi 2n Te 3n+1 Design and performance of a superconducting neutron resonance spin flipper New Polarized Small Angle Neutron Scattering capability at the High Flux Isotope Reactor Measurement of the absolute neutron beam polarization from a supermirror polarizer and the absolute efficiency of a neutron spin rotator for the NPDGamma experiment using a polarized 3He neutron spin-filter Electrically reversible cracks in an intermetallic film controlled by an electric field Polarized neutron imaging using a polychromatic cold neutron beam at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory High Flux Isotope Reac... Development of stable, narrow spectral line-width, fiber delivered laser source for spin exchange optical pumping... Recent progress on HYSPEC, and its polarization analysis capabilities Development of a compact in situ polarized 3He neutron spin filter at Oak Ridge National Laboratory Spin exchange optical pumping based polarized He-3 filling station for the Hybrid Spectrometer at the Spallation Neutron Sour... Key Links ORCID Organizations Neutron Sciences Directorate Neutron Technologies Division Neutron Instrument Technologies (RP) Section Neutron Optics and Polarization Group