Andrew T Nelson Section Head, Nuclear Fuel Development Contact 865.241.7330 | All Publications Critical response to M. Worrall et al. Published in Annals of Nuclear Energy 207 (2024) 110731... Interface stability of ultrasonic additively manufactured Zircaloy-4 during hydrothermal corrosion High Plasticity in Refractory Composite Fabrication by Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing Hydrogen embrittlement of Zircaloy-4 fabricated by ultrasonic additive manufacturing Modeling and design of a separate effects irradiation test targeting fission gas release from Cr-doped UO2... Ability of x-ray computed tomography to resolve critical flaw size in laser-based, paste stereolithography ceramic printing of alumina Raman spectroscopy of uranium nitride kernels Microstructural characterization and equibiaxial flexural strength of CeO2 and Ti-doped CeO2 Parallel Irradiation Testing to Support Accelerated Down-Selection of Advanced Fuels Using in situ UO2 bicrystal sintering to understand grain boundary dislocation nucleation kinetics and creep Heat transfer optimization of uo2-mo fuel using genetic algorithms Equibiaxial flexural strength determination of UO2 using a ball-on-ring test Irradiation creep measurement and microstructural analysis of chromium nitride–coated zirconium alloy using pressurized tub... Microstructure dependent burst behavior of oxide dispersion–strengthened FeCrAl cladding Sensitivity of UO2 fuel performance to microstructural evolutions driven by dilute additives A review of neutronics and thermal hydraulics–based screening methods applied to accelerated nuclear fuel qualification... Analysis of orientation-dependent deformation mechanisms in additively manufactured Zr using in-situ micromechanical testing: Twinning and orientation gradient Analysis of iron-chromium-aluminum samples exposed to accident conditions followed by quench in the QUENCH-19 experiment Design of a MiniFuel Irradiation Experiment to Study Fuel Performance Phenomena in Ceramic Fuels Fission gas retention of densely packed uranium carbonitride tristructural-isotropic fuel particles in a 3D printed SiC matrix Nuclear fuel irradiation testbed for nuclear security applications Hydrogen effects on thermal diffusivity and electrical resistivity of zircaloy cladding Accelerated fission rate irradiation design, pre-irradiation characterization, and adaptation of conventional PIE methods for U-10Mo and U-17Mo Prospects for additive manufacturing of nuclear fuel forms... Post-Irradiation Fracture Toughness Characterization of Generation II FeCrAl Alloys Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 … Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Curriculum Vitae ORCID Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division Nuclear Fuel Development Section