Allison T Greaney Associate R&D Radiochemist Contact 865.341.0003 | All Publications NO₂-mediated voloxidation for iodine separation from cesium iodide surrogates Review of Iodine Behavior from Nuclear Fuel Dissolution to Environmental Release Elucidating the Composition and Structure of Uranium Oxide Powders Produced via NO2 Voloxidation Adsorption of molecular iodine and alkyl iodides from spent-nuclear-fuel-reprocessing off-gas using reduced silver mordenite... Off-gas design and testing from advanced chlorination process Abatement of radioiodine in aqueous reprocessing off-gas Abatement of Volatile Organic Iodides from UNF Reprocessing Off-gas... ORNL PRODUCTION OF IODINE BEARING WASTEFORMS Thermal impacts on nondestructive analysis measurements of uranium hexafluoride Organic Iodide Adsorption from Dilute Gas Streams Reconciling evidence of oxidative weathering and atmospheric anoxia on Archean Earth... Hydrochlorination at 200°C Relevant to the Removal of Cladding from Spent Nuclear Fuel Experimental Plan for Commercial SNF Degradation in Repository Environments with a Focus on Fracture Matrix Degradation Analysis of Organoiodide Adsorption Mechanisms Behavior of the Mo, Tl, and U isotope systems during differentiation in the Kilauea Iki lava lake Heterogeneity effects on nondestructive assay measurements of enrichment in UF6 cylinders Comparison of Gamma-Ray Spectral Analysis Methods for Thick-walled UF6 Cylinders Applications of HPGe-detected high energy gamma rays toward quantifying neutron emission rates and 234U enrichment in UF6 cylinders Effect of NOx and Water Variations on Iodine Loading of AgZ COMPARISON OF EXTENDED AND ACCELERATED VOG TESTS Methyl Iodide Adsorption Test Results Iodine Retention of Long-chain Organic Iodides on Silver-based Sorbents under DOG and VOG Conditions Testing of an Iodine and Tritium Capture System for an NO2-Based Tritium Pretreatment Process Key Links Google Scholar ORCID IMPACT@ORNL Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division Integrated Fuel Cycle Section Fuel Cycle Chemical Technology Group