Alex Miloshevsky Contact All Publications Foundry-fabricated photonic integrated circuit for flex-grid entanglement distribution CMOS photonic integrated source of broadband polarization-entangled photons CMOS photonic integrated circuit for flex-grid polarization entanglement Foundry-fabricated silicon source of broadband polarization entanglement Two-mode squeezing over deployed fiber coexisting with conventional communications Two-mode squeezing over deployed fiber coexisting with conventional communications Space-based quantum networking in the presence of a nuclear disturbed environment Effects of a nuclear-disturbed environment on electromagnetic wave propagation through the atmosphere Effects on Communications Wavelengths from an Atmospheric Nuclear Detonation Optical noise in a free-space quantum communications link from natural and nuclear disturbed environments* Quantum Networking and Communications at Oak Ridge National Laboratory Radiation-Induced Dark Counts for Silicon Single-Photon Detectors in Space High-Tc Superconducting Memory Cell Effects of a nuclear disturbed environment on a quantum free space optical link... Estimation of Optical Channel Signal Loss Following a Near-Surface Nuclear Detonation Nuclear Disturbed Environmental Effects on Space-based Single Photon Detectors