Alex J Huning Risk Methods and Analysis, Group Leader Contact 404.386.4264 | All Publications The Meaning of Risk for Safety, Security, and Safeguards in the Design of Advanced Nuclear Reactors Recommendations for Design-Stage Safety and Security Probabilistic Risk Assessment Co-Development Considerations for Improving the Technoeconomic Viability of Heat Pipe Microreactors by Employing a Functional Containment Approach ORNL Peer Review Summary and Recommendations for: Advanced Reactor Designs Security Analysis, Risk, and Recommendations: Risks, Consequences, and Possible Design Mitigation Approaches Associated with Select Advanced Reactors Study Status Report on Regulatory Criteria Applicable to the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Risk-Informed Decision-Making and Reconfiguration using OPRA... Assessment of Microreactor Safety Analysis Challenges and Recommendations for Utilization of the Comprehensive Reactor Analysis Bundle A Risk-Informed Assessment of Operational Options for Successfully Avoiding a Trip Setpoint Risk Informed Opportunities and Challenges for Microreactors An Introduction to Microreactor Licensing Basis Events Security by Design: A Plant Design and Component Based Approach to Technical Solutions to Insider and Outsider Threat. Development of a BWR System Fault Simulator Using TRANSFORM/Modelica Regulatory Requirements, Guidance, and Review of Digital Twins How Digital Twins May Be Used in Design and Operations... A Methodology for Online Sensor Recalibration Advancement of Certification Methods and Applications for Industrial Deployments of Components Derived from Advanced Manufacturing Technologies ORNL Progress Report on Microreactor Functional Containment Economics Integrating the Safety Evaluation for a Molten Salt Reactor Operation and Fuel Cycle Facility Application The pursuit of net-positive sustainability for industrial decarbonization with hybrid energy systems Status Report on Regulatory Criteria Applicable to the Use of Digital Twins The Role of Hybrid Energy Systems in Decarbonizing Industry: A Carbon Handprint–Based Case Study Preliminary Design Status of HALEU Annular Targets for Irradiation in the High Flux Isotope Reactor Mid-year Progress Updated on ORNL Support for Developing the Guidance for Microreactor Manufacturing Licenses Transformational Challenge Reactor Safety Design and Radionuclide Retention Strategy Digital Platform Informed Certification of Components Derived from Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page ›› Last page Last » Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division Advanced Reactor Engineering and Development Section Risk Methods and Analysis Group