Dr. Ada Sedova is an Associate Research Scientist in the Molecular Biophysics Group at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Her research is in high performance computing (HPC), scientific computing, physical chemistry, biophysics, bioinformatics, biochemistry and chemical physics. This includes HPC programming environments, scientific computing using HPC for simulation and analysis, and experimental work including neutron scattering, analytical biophysics and electrochemistry. Ada was a CSEEN Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Scientific Computing Group at NCCS, ORNL, and a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Chemistry, University at Albany. She received her PhD in Biomedical Sciences with focuses on computational biophysics, biophysical chemistry and structural biology from the joint program at the NY State Department of Health Wadsworth Center and University at Albany’s Biomedical Sciences Department, after working for over a decade in clinical health care and receiving bachelor's degrees in pre-medical studies and applied mathematics. She also received a Masters in Mathematics from the University at Albany’s Department of Mathematics and Statistics with research in stochastic processes in physics and chemistry. Her research focuses on bridging gaps across technological areas.
Professional Experience
High performance computing (HPC), bioinformatics, biophysics, chemistry, scientific computing
ACM Special COVID-19 Gordon Bell Finalist (2020)
Significant Event Award, ORNL (2020): “First Successful Evaluation of the ARM+NVIDIA Accelerated Node Architecture in the World”
Excellence in Research at the Doctoral Level Award, Biomedical Sciences Department, University at Albany (2015)
PhD: Biophysics and Structural Biology, University at Albany SUNY/NYS DOH Wadsworth Center
MA: Mathematics and Statistics, University at Albany SUNY
BS: Premedical Studies, University of North Carolina, Asheville
BA: Applied Mathematics, University of North Carolina, Asheville
Professional Service
Reviewer: Nature Communications, Chemical Science (RSC), Frontiers in Bioinformatics, Drug Discovery Today (Elsevier), Heliyon (Cell), DOE ASCR INCITE program, DOE SBIR, OLCF Director's Discretion computational awards
Program Committee: IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), ISCB's
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), ISC High Performance
Session Organizer: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC)
Professional Affiliations
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB)
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
- American Physical Society (APS)