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TSUNAMI-3D Files: Applications: Read Me

TSUNAMI-3D Input Files for Applications Used in the Preparation of NUREG/CR-7109 September 17, 2013 Description ----------- Three types of application models were used in NUREG/CR-7109: a PWR spent fuel storage and transportation canister (GBC-32), a PWR spent fuel rack, and a BWR spent fuel rack. These last two are models of racks in a spent fuel pool. In all three cases, the models are meant to be representative of typical storage dimensions and materials. The PWR models are generated at a range of burnups, though not all burnups are used directly in the report. The BWR model is at the burnup associated with peak bundle reactivity. All three sets of models include spent fuel modeling of major actinides only, major and minor actinides and top 16 fission products, and all nuclides available in the SCALE ENDF/B-VII library. These files are made available for information only. These models were not processed through the SCALE VALID (Verified, Archived Library of Inputs and Data) procedure, and the quality assurance required to use these cases as part of a nuclear criticality safety analysis must be provided by the user/analyst. The models are not guaranteed to be accurate representations of the intended benchmarks. Other ZIP archives containing files related to NUREG/CR-7109 are also available from the SCALE web page. There is an archive with the critical experiment models used in the report, and there are archives containing the CSAS models for both the experiments and the applications. Installation and Use -------------------- The files are collected in a single, uncompressed zip file created on September 17, 2013 with a size of 1,420,100 bytes. The individual files are not compressed, and there is no internal directory structure in the zip file. Acknowledgement --------------- These input files were originally generated for this project, supported by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Disclaimer ---------- These files were prepared as work sponsored by an agency of the U.S. Government. Neither the U.S. Government nor any agency thereof, or any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy. Contents -------- The applications modeled are described in Section 4 of NUREG/CR-7109. The file names are: buc01_AFP.inp buc01_ALL.inp buc01_AO.inp buc05_AFP.inp buc05_ALL.inp buc05_AO.inp buc10_AFP.inp buc10_ALL.inp buc10_AO.inp buc17_AFP.inp buc17_ALL.inp buc17_AO.inp buc18_AFP.inp buc18_ALL.inp buc18_AO.inp buc20_AFP.inp buc20_ALL.inp buc20_AO.inp buc29_AFP.inp buc29_ALL.inp buc29_AO.inp buc30_AFP.inp buc30_ALL.inp buc30_AO.inp buc40_AFP.inp buc40_ALL.inp buc40_AO.inp buc44_AFP.inp buc50_AFP.inp buc50_ALL.inp buc50_AO.inp buc57_AFP.inp buc60_ALL.inp buc60_AO.inp buc70_ALL.inp buc70_AO.inp bwrracksen_AFP.inp bwrracksen_ALL.inp bwrracksen_AO.inp file_lst.dat w17b00_AFP.inp w17b00_ALL.inp w17b00_AO.inp w17b05_AFP.inp w17b05_ALL.inp w17b05_AO.inp w17b07_AFP.inp w17b07_ALL.inp w17b07_AO.inp w17b10_AFP.inp w17b10_ALL.inp w17b10_AO.inp w17b14_AFP.inp w17b14_ALL.inp w17b14_AO.inp w17b18_AFP.inp w17b18_ALL.inp w17b18_AO.inp w17b18m_AFP.inp w17b18m_ALL.inp w17b18m_AO.inp w17b25_AFP.inp w17b25_ALL.inp w17b25_AO.inp w17b30_AFP.inp w17b30_ALL.inp w17b30_AO.inp w17b30m_AFP.inp w17b30m_ALL.inp w17b30m_AO.inp w17b40_AFP.inp w17b40_ALL.inp w17b40_AO.inp w17b43_AFP.inp w17b50_AFP.inp w17b50_ALL.inp w17b50_AO.inp w17b57_AFP.inp w17b60_AFP.inp w17b60_ALL.inp w17b60_AO.inp w17b64_AO.inp w17b70_AFP.inp w17b70_ALL.inp w17b70_AO.inp