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Sensitivity/Uncertainty Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification in Reactor Physics Calculations

In this updated class, participants will learn to apply the sensitivity/uncertainty analysis (SA) and uncertainty quantification (UQ) capabilities in SCALE, focusing on two approaches: 1) perturbation theory-based TSUNAMI sequences to perform nuclear data SA and UQ for eigenvalue and reaction rates using 1D, 2D and 3D tools, including multigroup and new CE Monte Carlo capabilities; and 2) stochastic sampling-based UQ analysis using the new Sampler super-sequence to perform UQ for any computed parameter with respect to uncertainties in many input quantities including nuclear data, dimensions, densities, temperatures, etc. Training will include workshop problems analyzing a variety of different systems including LWR (both UO2 and MOX fuel), HTGR, and fast systems.

No prior knowledge of SCALE is required.