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SCALE Users Group Information

The SCALE Team has established a Google Group to facilitate discussions among SCALE stakeholders.  The forum is available at!forum/scale-users-group

Anyone visiting this site can browse the discussion topics and responses, but an authorized user account is required to post to the forum. 

Browsing the SCALE Users Group

The topics are categorized as shown in the figure below. 

Clicking on the link for the version you are interested in will show previous posts organized by post date.

You can also search for a particular topic using the “Search for topics” field near the top of window.

Clicking on a particular topic will display the details of the posting and any replies.  You must login to an approved account to post a reply.

Google Account Login

A SCALE license and Google account is required to post a new topic or reply to existing topics in the SCALE Users Group.  Clicking the Sign In button will display the Google login screen.  If you already have a Google account, you can login and request membership in the SCALE Users Group.  If you do not have a Google account, or wish to establish a Google account using your professional e-mail address, please following the instructions provided below.

Existing Google Account

If you already have a Google account, you can request membership in the SCALE Users Group to enable posting.  Once you sign in, click on Apply to join group to request access approval from the SCALE Team.

From the subscription page, you can select how often you wish to receive e-mail notices regarding posts to the SCALE Users Group.  Note that only licensed SCALE users will be approved for membership, so please provide sufficient information that your SCALE license can be confirmed from our list of licensed users. 

You will receive a notification when the SCALE Team approves your membership, and then you will be able to post to the group.

Establishing a Google Account

If you do not have an existing Google account, or you wish to establish a Google account using a non-Google e-mail address, enter your desired login e-mail address and desired password at the login screen.

You will be provided an account setup screen where you can confirm your desired login information.

You will be asked to perform several steps to confirm your account setup, including responding to an e-mail message sent to your login account.

After you account is established, you will need to request membership in the SCALE Users Group using the instructions provided above.