CENTRM and KENO-VI Validation Cases 7/15/2005 Updated 1/16/2007 Updated 4/24/2009 Description ----------- Validation of CENTRM and KENO-VI were documented in ORNL/TM-2004/66 and ORNL/TM- 2004/60, respectively. These reports are available on the SCALE Criticality Safety Validation web page https://www.ornl.gov/scale/scale/criticality-safety-reports. The input files used for the CENTRM and KENO-VI validation calculations are provided on the SCALE Download web pages for user convenience. These cases demonstrate the validity of the codes and data used. Users should perform their own validation studies using benchmark cases that are relevant to their particular applications. The benchmark cases from these two reports are identical, except for the resonance self-shielding of the cross sections. The CENTRM validation cases use the "PARM=CENTRM" option to invoke CENTRM and PMC to process the resonance data, while the KENO-VI validation cases use NITAWL for resonance processing. Note some of these cases may require 6 or more hours of CPU time. The entire benchmark set for each code took over 200 CPU hours on late model Unix workstations at ORNL. Users can expect that each set (CENTRM and KENO-VI) will require APPROXIMATELY ONE TO TWO WEEKS OF CPU TIME on most modern computers. These input files have been updated for compatibility with SCALE 5.1. Note that these files are also compatible with SCALE 5. The results files are based on SCALE 5.1. Installation and Use -------------------- Windows: Run the self-extracting zip files. The default installation locations are the "centrm" and "keno-vi" folders under \scale5.1\validation. The cases are stored in folders that correspond to sections in the validation reports. Each folder contains a submit.bat file that runs all cases in that folder. In the top level folder there is a runall.bat file that runs all cases in all subfolders. Use runall.bat with caution! It will require 1 to 2 weeks of CPU time on most late model computers. Summary results from the ORNL output files are provided in the "results-ornl" folder. Users can run the results.bat file to get the results from their cases to compare with the ORNL results (SCALE 5.1). Results.bat writes the results to the "results" folder. Unix: Extract the files from the compressed tar file. The default installation locations are the "centrm" and "keno-vi" folders under the current working directory. The cases are stored in folders that correspond to sections in the validation reports. Each folder contains a "submit" file that runs all cases in that folder. In the top level folder there is a "runall" file that runs all cases in all subfolders. Use runall with caution! It will require 1 to 2 weeks of CPU time on most late model computers. Summary results from the ORNL output files are provided in the "results-ornl" folder. Users can run the "get- results" file to get the results from their cases to compare with the ORNL results (pre-release SCALE 5.0). The get-results file writes the results to the "results" folder. Update on 4/24/2009 ------------------- A user noted that the latticecell pitch is specified incorrectly in leu-comp- therm-32 cases 4-9. Also, there was no temperature correction assigned to materials for cases 2,3,5,6,8, and 9 in the KENO-VI validation. All input files for leu-comp-therm-32 (in lct5.2 folder) have been updated. These corrections made little difference in the final answers as may be expected for a thermal system. Calculated results have not been updated. Disclaimer ---------- These files were prepared as work sponsored by an agency of the U.S. Government. Neither the U.S. Government nor any agency thereof, or any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy.