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Sequence-Enhanced Self-Healing in “Lock-and-Key” Copolymers...

Publication Type
Journal Name
ACS Macro Letters
Publication Date
Page Numbers
475 to 480

Van der Waals-driven self-healing in copolymers with “lock-and-key” architecture has emerged as a concept to endow engineering-type polymers with the capacity to recover from structural damage. Complicating the realization of “lock-and-key”-enabled self-healing is the tendency of copolymers to form nonuniform sequence distributions during polymerization reactions. This limits favorable site interactions and renders the evaluation of van der Waals-driven healing difficult. Here, methods for the synthesis of lock-and-key copolymers with prescribed sequence were used to overcome this limitation and enable the deliberate synthesis of “lock-and-key” architectures most conducive to self-healing. The effect of molecular sequence on the material’s recovery behavior was evaluated for the particular case of three poly(n-butyl acrylate/methyl methacrylate) [P(BA/MMA)] copolymers with similar molecular weights, dispersity, and overall composition but with different sequences: alternating (alt), statistical (stat), and gradient (grad). They were synthesized using atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). Copolymers with alt and stat sequence displayed a 10-fold increase of recovery rate compared to the grad copolymer variant despite a similar overall glass transition temperature. Investigation with small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) revealed that rapid property recovery is contingent on a uniform microstructure of copolymers in the solid state, thus avoiding the pinning of chains in glassy MMA-rich cluster regions. The results delineate strategies for the deliberate design and synthesis of engineering polymers that combine structural and thermal stability with the ability to recover from structural damage.