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Plasma Current Ramp-Up in the Component Test Facility (CTF)...

by O. Mitarai, Yueng-kay M Peng, Y. Takase
Publication Type
Conference Paper
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Plasma current ramp-up in CTF has been studied by the heating power and vertical field without a central solenoid in the case of equal electron and ion temperature. For the fusion power of 150 MW, the plasma current up to 12.8 MA has been obtained by the 40 MW heating/current drive power. To maintain the steady state the more power of 64 MW is required because of no additional current drive capability supplied by the vertical field as in the transient phase. Steady state operation with the maximum neutron wall loading of 2 MW/m'2', much lower density than the Greenwald limit, and lower beta of 24 % than the present experimental value in CTF are attractive for developing ignition physics and fusion technology.