Phase Change Materials (PCM) based Thermal energy storage (TES) is a widespread solution to shift buildings’ peak energy demand and add stability to the grid. PCMs can be used for space heating and cooling applications in residential buildings by integrating into the heat pump equipment or building envelope via several possible configurations. The heat pump integrated active PCM storage can provide significant energy savings and reduce peak demand, but the benefits vary substantially depending on the system configuration, storage capacity, and the temperature range of the PCM used. It is critical to provide a review of the materials and their suitability in heat pump integrated PCM systems. This paper will present an analysis of the PCM material selection for heat pump integrated TES in various configurations. The comprehensive review will compare the phase change materials with different melting temperatures, and configurations, corresponding to the energy savings and demand impact reported in the literature. This work is significant to guide the design of high-performance heat pump integrated PCM systems.