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Numerical Simulations of Noisy Variational Quantum Eigensolver Ansatz Circuits

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
2021 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE)
Publication Date
Page Numbers
155 to 159
Publisher Location
New Jersey, United States of America
Conference Name
IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE)
Conference Location
Virtual, Colorado, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
Quantum Machines, IONQ, Honeywell, IBM
Conference Date

This is a case study of the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) method using numerical simulations to test the influence of noise on the accuracy of the underlying circuit ansatz. We investigate a computational chemistry application of VQE to calculate the electronic ground state and its energy for Sodium Hydride (NaH), a prototypical two-electron problem. Using a one-parameter ansatz derived from unitary coupled cluster (UCC) theory, we simulate the effects of noise on the energy expectation value and variance with respect to the ansatz parameter. These numerical simulations provide insights into the accuracy of the prepared quantum state and the efficiency of the classical optimizer that iteratively refines the ansatz. We conduct a comparative study between analytical results derived for the UCC ansatz in the absence of noise and the noisy numerical simulation results obtained using an isotropic depolarizing noise model for each gate. We also compare the relative increase in noise on logically equivalent UCC ansatz circuits generated by randomized compiling. Notably, we observe that the intrinsic variance in the energy due to the simplicity of the ansatz itself compares with the noise induced by the bare circuit.