Industry 4.0 is revolutionizing manufacturing through the integration of automation and real-time data sharing in cyber-physical systems. At the forefront of this revolution is large-format additive manufacturing. In large-format printing, parts are often designed to be an even number of beads wide to produce a completely dense part. However, voids can still arise. This is often due to the part not being an even number of bead widths wide in some areas, or in geometry containing acute angles, as the process of generating closed contours cannot completely fill the space. Voids can be tolerated in smaller models, but in large-format additive manufacturing they may cause mechanical defects. To fill these voids, open loop paths called skeletons are often used, but they are typically limited by the physical constraints defined in the slicing software. To address this, researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have extended skeleton toolpaths via an adaptive methodology. These adaptive skeletons were found to better fill void spaces through manipulation of physical parameters of the build process and were calculated as part of the slicing process.