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Neutron single particle structure in 131Sn and direct neutron capture cross sections...

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Physical Review Letters
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Recent calculations suggest that the rate of neutron capture by 130Sn has a significant impact on
late-time nucleosynthesis in the r-process. Direct capture into low-lying bound states is expected
to be significant in neutron capture near the N=82 closed shell, so r- process reaction rates may
be strongly impacted by the properties of neutron single particle states in this region. In order to
investigate these properties, the (d, p) reaction has been studied in inverse kinematics using a 630
MeV beam of 130Sn (4.8 MeV/u) and a (CD2)n target. An array of Si strip detectors, including
SIDAR and an early implementation of the ORRUBA, was used to detect reaction products. Results
for the 130Sn(d, p)131Sn reaction are found to be very similar to those from the previously reported
132Sn(d, p)133Sn reaction. Direct-semidirect (n, γ) cross section calculations, based for the first time
on experimental data, are presented. The uncertainties in these cross sections are thus reduced by
orders of magnitude from previous estimates.