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Improved limits on 𝑛→𝑛′ transformation from the Spallation Neutron Source

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Physical Review D
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Conversions between neutrons 𝑛 and dark matter candidate sterile neutrons 𝑛′ have been proposed as a mechanism for baryon number ℬ violation. In the case that there is a small mass difference Ξ”β’π‘š between the 𝑛 and the 𝑛′ states, oscillations can be induced by compensating for Ξ”β’π‘š with a magnetic field. A search for such neutron oscillations was performed at the Spallation Neutron Source by looking for anomalous neutron transmission through a strongly absorbing cadmium wafer inside of a 6.6 T magnet. The approach described here saw no regenerated neutrons above background, which provides an improved limit for neutron–sterile neutron transformations for a range of Ξ”β’π‘š between 0.1 and 1000 neV.