Owing to their remarkable electronic properties, silica ultrathin films have been utilized as an insulating layer in nanoelectronics systems. Silica films have been epitaxially grown on different substrates using various synthesis methods. Among all fabrication approaches, chemical vapor deposition has long been an advanced method for synthesizing two-dimensional (2D) materials due to its ability to ensure precise stacking control and minimize contamination between layers. This study harnessed the potential of CVD to atomically fabricate thin layered 2D silica on a SiO2/Si substrate. Significantly, a unique combination of multiple transition metals and salt as the catalysts aided the formation of 2D silica for the first time. Salt is a crucial catalyst in promoting the evaporation of high-melting-point metal catalysts, resulting in hexagonal nucleation sites on the SiO2/Si wafer. By meticulously controlling growth parameters, a distinctive hexagonal structure was obtained. Correspondingly, this work delves into the growth mechanism of 2D silica, as evidenced by experiments involving salt alone and individual transition metals. Group VB transition metals played a prominent role in achieving the hexagonal structure compared to their group IVB counterparts. This research offers insight into the formation and growth mechanism of 2D silica, expanding the understanding of silica nanostructures.