Triply Periodic Minimal Surface (TPMS) lattice structures have been of increasing interest due to their light weighting, enhanced mechanical properties, and energy absorption characteristics for automotive and biomedical applications. With the advent of additive manufacturing and geometric modeling software, TPMS lattices with complex geometries can be realized. In this work, TPMS lattice structures were fabricated with PLA using fused filament fabrication (FFF) and their dynamic properties are characterized through drop tower experiments. Although lightweight TPMS lattices are beneficial for their impact absorption capability, most of the existing works are limited to quasi-static compression and dynamic impact tests are rarely performed. The current study investigates the stress-strain and energy absorption characteristics of TPMS lattices through drop tower testing and numerical modeling. Finite element modeling for TPMS lattices is carried out to validate the experimental responses. The mechanical properties, deformation, and failure mechanisms of TPMS lattices under dynamic impact are summarized for potential future applications.