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Defining HRTEM Resolution: Why Young?s Fringes Don?t Determine Resolution ...

by Michael O'keefe, Lawrence F Allard Jr, Douglas Blom
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Conference Name
Microscopy Society of America
Conference Location
Richmond, Virginia, United States of America
Conference Date

Aberration correction of the objective lens in the high-resolution transmission electron microscope
(HRTEM) can extend microscope resolution to the linear information limit [1], the upper bound of a
HRTEM’s structural resolution. HRTEM resolution is demonstrated canonically in real space when
two image peaks (representing atoms) are distinguishable from a single peak – just as Rayleigh's
criterion establishes when two sources of light (stars) are distinguishable from a single source [2].
The “A-OK” set of specimens can be employed to measure HRTEM resolutions from 1.6Å to 0.2Å
unequivocally in real space [3] and to characterize image resolution quality [4]. Such real-space measurements have established sub-Ångström resolutions of 0.78Å [5-6] and 0.63Å [7]. Despite the
straightforward approach of resolution quantification in real space, resolution is often gauged using
image intensity spectrum measurements in reciprocal space, probably because resolution |d| requires
the corresponding spatial frequency 1/|d| in the TEM image intensity spectrum; however, the mere
presence of a 1/|d| frequency does not establish a resolution of |d| [8].