The visible-near infrared (Vis-NIR) electronic absorption spectrum of neptunium(V) (NpO2+) comprises numerous f-f electronic transitions with mostly undocumented temperature dependencies. The effect of temperature on the absorption spectrum of the pentavalent neptunyl dioxocation (NpO2+) is an important factor to consider with spectrophotometric applications but has often been overlooked. Optical Vis-NIR absorption spectra (400–1700 nm) of Np(V) (0.017–0.89 M) in 1 M nitric acid were evaluated with varying temperatures (T = 10–80 °C). The intensity, position, and overall shape of the bands were sensitive to interactions with the solvent and coordination environment. Numerous temperature-induced isosbestic points were identified resulting from dynamic, overlapping peak shifts. Spectral variations were characterized using principal component analysis (PCA) and 2D correlation spectroscopy (COS). 2D-COS revealed that the absorption band near 1095 nm likely consists of two bands centered near 1087 and 1096 nm, which cannot be explained by current computational methods. 2D-COS analysis also provided an unambiguous assignment of unresolved peaks in the visible region for comparison with computational predictions. PCA was used to identify nonlinearity in the spectral response at elevated Np(V) concentrations ≥ 0.5 M. This unique experimental data and interpretation will foster a deeper understanding of the absorption spectra for complex actinyl ions.