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Agile frequency transformations for dense wavelength-multiplexed communications

Publication Type
Journal Name
Optics Express
Publication Date
Page Numbers
20379 to 20390

The broad bandwidth and spectral efficiency of photonics has facilitated unparalleled speeds in long-distance lightwave communication. Yet efficient routing and control of photonic information without optical-to-electrical conversion remains an ongoing research challenge. Here, we demonstrate a practical approach for dynamically transforming the carrier frequencies of dense wavelength-division–multiplexed data. Combining phase modulators and pulse shapers into an all-optical frequency processor, we realize both cyclic channel hopping and 1-to-N broadcasting of input data streams for systems with N = 2 and N = 3 users. Our method involves no optical-to-electrical conversion and enables low-noise, reconfigurable routing of fiber-optic signals with in principle arbitrary wavelength operations in a single platform, offering new potential for low-latency all-optical networking.