Since the discovery of strong metal–support interactions (SMSIs) over supported metal catalysts in the 1970s, researchers have studied ways to harness this type of catalyst reconstruction to achieve enhanced stability of metal particles against sintering and to create catalytic sites with novel electronic and bonding properties. The motivation to elucidate performance–structure relationships in catalytic transformations has led researchers to take a closer look into catalytic surfaces under reaction conditions rather than a postreaction analysis. These investigations of operating catalysts have made it clear that SMSIs are more common than initially thought. Recent reports show how various adsorbed species, rather than traditional H2/O2 treatment, can promote SMSI in various catalytic systems, a phenomenon named adsorbate-induced SMSI (A-SMSI). Researching the occurrence of A-SMSI has allowed fundamental understanding of catalyst stability, catalytic rates, and product selectivity. The present Perspective discusses the state-of-the-art regarding A-SMSI, the current challenges, and the opportunities ahead in heterogeneous catalysis.