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Stepping Up Software for Exascale

Jack Dongarra, director of the University of Tennessee’s Center for Information Technology Research and a distinguished research staff member at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, is perhaps best known for his development of the LINPACK benchmark application, which is used to evaluate high-performance computing (HPC) performance and to rank supercomputers in the international Top500 list. Dongarra is also principal investigator on three of the 35 software development proposals funded for the first year of the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Exascale Computing Project (ECP):

  • Software for Linear Algebra Targeting at Exascale (SLATE), a numerical linear algebra library
  • Distributed Tasking for Exascale, a run time system (PaRSEC),
  • The Exascale Performance Application Programming Interface (EXA-PAPI)

These and other software development projects are enabling ECP to create a comprehensive software stack for exascale systems, including programming models and run time libraries, mathematical libraries and frameworks, tools, lower-level system software, data management and I/O, and in situ visualization and data analysis.

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