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Research Highlight

Nanoporous Atomically Thin Graphene Membranes for Desalting and Dialysis Applications

Scientific Achievement

Size-selective desalting of small molecules and proteins is demonstrated in membranes with >10x increase in the permeance compared to state-of-the-art commercial membranes.

Significance and Impact

Enhanced diffusion and size-selectivity of graphene membranes will aid purification of drugs, biochemical analytics, medical diagnostics, therapeutics, and nano-bio separations.

Research Details

- Membranes are created at MIT by transferring polycrystalline graphene onto polycarbonate supports with 200 nm diameter openings, sealing accidental defects, then creating nanoscale pores by oxygen ions.

- Scanning transmission electron microscopy at CNMS quantifies pore size and distribution.


P.R. Kidambi, D. Jang, J.-C. Idrobo, M.S.H. Boutilier, L. Wang, J. Kong, and R. Karnik, Advanced Materials (2017). DOI:10.1002/adma.201700277