This is the first time this award has been presented by the 33-year-old Bethesda, Md.-based NUS, which serves as a consultant to the U.S. nuclear industry.
HFIR helps produce transuranic isotopes such as californium-252, which is used in cancer treatment and studies related to nuclear medicine.
"Across the board, HFIR is fully compliant with all DOE orders, maintenance and support," said Kurt Taylor, general manager of NUS, who presented the award during a ceremony at the HFIR offices. "Not only is HFIR fully compliant, but the staff is looking for new ways to improve quality performance."
Robert Van Hook, ORNL's deputy director, said the award signifies ORNL's reactor program is among the nation's best.
"Our reactor program has introduced a program of excellence, and this award shows our people have given 100 percent to the program," Van Hook said. "This is the result of a team effort with the involvement of many people."
In addition to meeting DOE and other nuclear regulatory criteria, the award represents the result of improving operation and management costs and achieving high quality standards while meeting production and fiscal operating requirements.
ORNL, one of DOE's multiprogram national research and development facilities, is managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Systems, which also manages the Oak Ridge K-25 Site and the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant.