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CEO of PAX Water Technologies to speak at ORNL's Global Venture Challenge

Peter Fiske, president and chief executive officer of PAX Water Technologies, will be the keynote speaker for the 2010 Global Venture Challenge March 25-26 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.


Fiske is also vice president for research and development for parent company PAX Scientific. In his various roles, Fiske manages day-to-day operations for PAX Water, overseeing all aspects of sales, marketing and product development. Under his leadership, PAX Scientific won a three-year $2 million advanced technology program award from the Department of Commerce, and sister company PAX Streamline won a two-year $3 million award from the Department of Energy's ARPA-E Program.

Prior to joining the PAX, Fiske was co-founder of RAPT Industries, a start-up based on technology from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, where Fiske was a staff member for six years. Fiske identified the technology while at LLNL and, as a second-year evening MBA student, developed the business plan for RAPT, which won first place in the third annual University of California Berkeley Business Plan Competition in 2001.

Fiske and his partners subsequently closed a Series A round of investment and since then have raised more than $12 million in government funding from the Department of Defense, National Institute of Standards and Technology and NASA. Fiske led negotiations to license a portion of the technology to a major semiconductor equipment manufacturer, and led the first sales of products. Fiske was CEO of the company from May 2001 to April 2004.

In addition, Fiske is the author of 20 technical articles, most in international peer-reviewed journals, including Science. He served on Rep. Ellen Tauscher's (D-Calif.) Small Business Advisory Committee, where he worked with other small business owners and Congressional staffers to evaluate and propose legislative initiatives to increase the growth and economic vitality of the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area.

He is a nationally recognized author and lecturer on the subject of leadership and career development for scientists and engineers and writes a regular column in the journal Nature. 

ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science.