On-campus visitors and guests
Research Library collections and services are available to all on-campus visitors and guests of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Library staff provides assistance from the Main Library reference desk in Building 4500N each work day from 8:00 to 4:30 and responds to email questions. Computers that do not require a log-in are available for guests to access library resources.
Employees of Y-12, DOE-ORO and subcontractors
Y-12 employees and on-campus DOE employees can access electronic library resources from the Research Library's internal Web site. The library welcomes employees of Y-12, DOE-ORO, and UT-Battelle subcontractors to use the library for purposes related to official business. DOE-badged visitors from Y-12, DOE or subcontractors may need to go to the Visitor's Center to get an access card for Building 4500N.
The general public
Anyone may contact the library for assistance with finding ORNL documents or with other questions. The library primarily serves current ORNL staff and is unable to meet the demands of the public seeking information about former employees. Please see further details and links to resources on the library home page. Phone: (865) 574-6744
ORNL retirees
Laboratory retirees must be sponsored and cleared by another Laboratory organization in connection with official business to use the Research Library. Library staff is not authorized to request badges for retirees.
Faculty and students
Through reciprocal agreements, the students and faculty of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Pellissippi State Community College, and Roane State Community College who are U.S. citizens can arrange to visit the Research Library. Faculty and students should first contact their own library to determine if their library can assist them with their information need.