OSTI.GOV is the Department of Energy’s public search tool and the primary source for unlimited technical reports prepared by DOE laboratories and funding recipients. While OSTI.GOV provides electronic full text for many reports, OSTI also maintains an archive of paper and microfiche reports that have not yet been scanned. If you find a citation without full text on OSTI.GOV, you may request a scanned copy from OSTI. Note that a review of the document may be required prior to its release.
In addition to technical reports, OSTI.GOV provides free access to other DOE-funded R&D results such as journal articles/accepted manuscripts, datasets, conference papers, scientific software, patents, and more.
Science Research Connection
Science Research Connection is a database available to DOE and its contractors (registration is required). Bibliographic records are provided for both unlimited and controlled access information products from across the DOE complex, depending on the level of approved access. Full text is included when available.
Science.gov provides public access to technical reports and other government-funded scientific and technical information products from across US federal agencies.