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Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis

2024 Publications:

Alex Shaw, Hypothetical Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Fuel Transport Using the Existing ES-3100, ORNL/TM-2024/3366, UT-Battelle, LLC, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (May 2024).

2022 Publications:

A. M. Shaw and W. J. Marshall, "Analysis of SCALE Criticality and Sensitivity Calculations for Reflected HEU Cylinders,"  Proceedings of Nuclear Criticality Safety Division Topical Meeting (NCSD 2022), pp. 666-674, Anaheim, California, June 12-16, 2022.

Jesse M. Brown, Goran Arbanas, Dorothea Wiarda, and Andrew Holcomb, Bayesian Optimization Framework for Imperfect Data or Models, ORNL/TM-2022/2448, UT-Battelle, LLC, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (April 2022).

Ugur Mertyurek and Germina Ilas, "Nuclide Inventory Benchmark for BWR Spent Nuclear Fuel: Challenges in Evaluation of Modeling Data Assumptions and Uncertainties," Journal of Nuclear Engineering, 3(1), 18–36, (February 2022).

F. Bostelmann, D. Wiarda, G. Arbanas, and W. A. Wieselquist, “Extension of SCALE/Sampler’s sensitivity analysis,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, 165, 108641 (January 2022). 

2021 Publications:

F. Bostelmann, G. Ilas, C. Celik, A. M. Holcomb, and W. A. Wieselquist, Nuclear Data Assessment for Advanced Reactors, NUREG/CR-7289 (ORNL/TM-2021/2002), UT-Battelle, LLC, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (December 2021). [supporting files]

F. Bostelmann, S. E. Skutnik, E. D. Walker, G. Ilas, and W. A. Wieselquist, "Modeling of the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment with SCALE," Nuclear Technology, 208(4), 603–624 (October 2021).

Friederike Bostelmann, Germina Ilas, and William A. Wieselquist, "Nuclear Data Sensitivity Study for the EBR-II Fast Reactor Benchmark Using SCALE with ENDF/B-VII.1 and ENDF/B-VIII.0," Journal of Nuclear Engineering, 2(4), 345–367, (September 2021).

2020 Publications:

A. Rivas, J. Hou, and G. Ilas, “Preliminary Benchmark Calculations of Spent Nuclear Fuel Isotopic Compositions Using BWR Assay Data,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 123, 1365 (November 2020). 

Robert Hall, B.J. Marshall, and William A. Wieselquist, Assessment of Existing Transportation Packages for Use with HALEU, ORNL/TM-2020/1725, UT-Battelle, LLC, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (September 2020) [supporting files]

Briana Hiscox, Benjamin Betzler, Vladimir Sobes, and William J. Marshall, "Neutronic Benchmarking of Small Gas-Cooled Systems," Proceedings of the PHYSOR 2020  Cambridge, United Kingdom, March 29–April 2 2020.  [pdf]

Dongli Huang, Ugur Mertyurek, and Hany Abdel-Khalik, "Verification of the Sensitivity and Uncertainty-based criticality Safety Validation Techniques: ORNL’s SCALE Case Study," Nuclear Engineering and Design, 361, 110571 (February 2020).

Prior Year Publications:

K. Bekar, S. Johnson, C. Perfetti, B. Langley, T. Greene, W. Marshall, W. Wieselquist, M. Jessee, and B. Rearden, Iterated Fission Probability Sensitivity Capability in SCALE via Shift, ORNL/TM-2020/4, UT-Battelle, LLC, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (December 2019).

K. Bledsoe, G. Ilas and S. Hogle, “Application of Depletion Perturbation Theory for Sensitivity Analysis in the High Flux Isotope Reactor,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 121, 1453–1456 (November 2019). [pdf]

B. T. Rearden, “Some Innovations of Dr. Mark Williams for the Practical Application of Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis to Reactor Analysis and Criticality Safety,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 121, 1479–1483 (November 2019). [pdf]

F. Sommer, W. J. Marshall, and M. Stuke, “Correlation of HST-001 due to Uncertain Technical Parameters – Comparison of Results from SUnCISTT, Sampler, and DICE,” Proceedings of ICNC 2019 – 11th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety, Paris, France, September 15–20, 2019.

M. Stuke, A. Hoefer, O. Buss, M. Chernykh, G. Dobson, J. Dyrda, T. Ivanova, N. Leclaire, W. J. Marshall, D. Mennerdahl, B. T. Rearden, P. Smith, F. Sommer, and S. Tittelbach, “UACSA Phase IV: Role of Integral Experiment Covariance Data for Criticality Safety Validation – Summary of Selected Results,” Proceedings of ICNC 2019 – 11th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety, Paris, France, September 15–20, 2019.

W. J. Marshall, J. B. Clarity, J. Yang, U. Mertyurek, M. A. Jessee, and B. T. Rearden, “Initial Application of TSUNAMI for Validation of Advanced Fuel Systems,” Proceedings of ICNC 2019 – 11th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety, Paris, France, September 15–20, 2019. 

F. Bostelmann, D. Wiarda, W. A. Wieselquist, and B. T. Rearden, “SCALE/Sampler Sensitivity Indices,” Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering, pp. 2371–2380, Portland, Oregon, August 25–29, 2019. 

W. J. Marshall, J. Yang, U. Mertyurek, and M. A. Jessee, “Preliminary TSUNAMI Assessment of the Impact of Accident Tolerant Fuel Concepts on Reactor Physics Validation,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 120, 500–503 (June 2019). 

Majdi I. Radaideh, William A. Wieselquist, and Tomasz Kozlowski, "A new framework for sampling-based uncertainty quantification of the six-group reactor kinetic parameters," Annals of Nuclear Energy, 127, 1–11 (May 2019).

K. Zeng, J. Hou, K. Ivanov, and M. Jessee, “Uncertainty Quantification on Pressurized Water Reactor Coupled Core Simulation Using Stochastic Sampling Method,” Proceedings of ANS Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty International Conference (BEPU 2018), Real Collegio, Lucca, Italy, May 13–19, 2019. 

Majdi I. Radaideh, Tomasz Kozlowski, William A. Wieselquist, and Matthew A. Jessee, "Data-Driven and Precursor-Group Uncertainty Propagation of Lattice Kinetic Parameters in UAM Benchmark," Hindawi, 3702014 (2019).

V. Sobes, W. J. Marshall, D. Wiarda, F. Bostelmann, A. M. Holcomb, and B. T. Rearden, ENDF/B-VIII.0 Covariance Data Development and Testing Report for Advanced Reactors, ORNL/TM-2018/1037, UT-Battelle, LLC, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (March 2019).

W. Wieselquist, M. Williams, D. Wiarda, M. Pigni, and U. Mertyurek, Overview of Nuclear Data Uncertainty in Scale and Application to Light Water Reactor Uncertainty Analysis, NUREG/CR-7249 (ORNL/TM-2017/706), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, December 2018. 

William Wieselquist, Ian Gauld, and Maro Pigni, "Prioritizing Nuclear Data Needs Using Uncertainty Analysis," Proceedings of INMM 59th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, July 2018.

E. L. Jones, J. B. Clarity, W. J. Marshall, B. T. Rearden, and G. I. Maldonado, “A Case Study in the Application of TSUNAMI-3D – Part 3, Continuous Energy – Iterative Fission Probability Method,” Transactions of  the American Nuclear Society, 119, 845–848 (2018).  

F. Bostelmann, B. T. Rearden, W. Zwermann, and A. Pautz, “Preliminary SCALE/TSUNAMI Results for the Sub-Exercises of the OECD/NEA Benchmark for Uncertainty Analysis in Modeling of Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society119, 627–630 (2018). 

W. J. Marshall, J. B. Clarity, and E. M. Saylor, “Sensitivity Calculations for Systems with Fissionable Reflector Materials Using TSUNAMI,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 119, 787–790 (2018). 

Ian C. Gauld, Mark L. Williams, Franco Michel-Sendis, James S. Martinez, "Integral nuclear data validation using experimental spent nuclear fuel compositions," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 49(6), 1226–1233 (September 2017).

G. Ilas and H. Liljenfeldt, "Decay heat uncertainty for BWR used fuel due to modeling and nuclear data uncertainties,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, 319, 176–184 (2017).

B. T. Rearden, L. M. Petrie, D. E. Peplow, K. B. Bekar, D. Wiarda, C. Celik, C. M. Perfetti, A. M. Ibrahim, S. W. D. Hart, M. E. Dunn, and W. J. Marshall, “Monte Carlo Capabilities of the SCALE Code System,” Annals of Nuclear Energy 82, 130–141 (2015). 

Ryan N. Bratton, Kostadin Ivanov, Matthew A. Jessee, William A. Wieselquist, "Bias and Uncertainty Assessment of Pressurized Water Reactor Fuel Isotopics," Proceedings of PHYSOR 2014 - The Role of Reactor Physics Toward a Sustainable Future, Kyoto, Japan, September 28–October 3, 2014.

M.L. Williams, G. Ilas, W.J. Marshall, and B.T. Rearden, "Applications of nuclear data covariances to criticality safety and spent fuel characterization,” Nuclear Data Sheets, 118, 341–345 (2014).

W. A. Wieselquist, K. S. Kim, G. Ilas, and I. C. Gauld, “Comparison of burnup credit uncertainty quantification methods,” Proceedings of Topical Meeting on Nuclear Criticality Safety (NCSD 2013), Wilmington, North Carolina, September 29–October 3, 2013. [pdf]

M. Williams, G. Ilas, M. A. Jessee, B. T. Rearden, D. Wiarda, W. Zwermann, L. Gallner, M. Klein, 
B. Krzykacz-Hausmann, and A. Pautz, "A statistical sampling method for uncertainty analysis with SCALE and XSUSA,” Nuclear Technology, 183(3), 515–526 (2013).

I. C. Gauld, G. Ilas and G. Radulescu, Uncertainties in Predicted Isotopic Compositions for High Burnup PWR Spent Nuclear Fuel, NUREG/CR-7012 (ORNL/TM-2010/41), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2011).