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Renishaw Confocal Raman Spectroscopy and Fluorescence Mapping Systems

Renishaw Raman Systems

Two Renishaw confocal Raman and fluorescence microspectroscopy systems provide non-destructive detailed insight into the chemical and structural nature of material. The Renishaw Invia Qontor system includes multimodal Stokes and anti-Stokes, as well as low frequency, Raman and fluorescence, electroluminescence, and photocurrent additional capabilities. 


Typical applications include microbiology, drug delivery, cancer research, redox and plant biology, 2D materials, nanotechnology, photovoltaics semiconductors, battery, corrosion, catalysis (electrochemical, thermal), polymer, oxide, and electrolyte. 


System tracks and correlates spatially-temporally resolved chemical and structural information near-surface, including changes in the interfacial mass (EQCM) during electrochemical reaction, changes in structure under current flow (PV, OLED, memristors).

  • Laser excitations: 405nm, 532nm, 633nm, 785nm
  • Gratings: 300l/mm, 1200l/mm, 1800l/mm, 2400l/mm
  • Ultra-narrow notch filters: 532nm, 632nm, 785nm allowing access to Stoke and anti-Stock Raman; 405nm edge filter
  • Low frequency confocal Raman (lowest detectable frequency ~6cm-1
  • Fluorescence range: 400-800nm
  • Objectives (numerical aperture): 5x(0.12), x10 (0.30), 20x(0.4), 50x(0.5), 50x(0.75), 100x(0.85) and 150x(0.95)
  • Stage resolution (mapping): 100nm (x-y), z- resolution <0.5um 

Additional features include:

  • Polarization imaging of sample (dual polarizers) using 12Mpixel camera (1ms time resolution)
  • Multimodal imaging (correlative imaging) 1: Raman/fluorescence + 3 electrode- electrochemical cell (Ag/Ag+ and AgCl reference electrodes)
  • Multimodal imaging (correlative imaging) 2: Raman/fluorescence + EQCM-D (Electrochemical quartz microbalance with dissipation) cell for aqueous and non-aqueous solvents
  • Multimodal imaging (correlative imaging) 3: T-dependent Raman, fluorescence, photocurrent mapping