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REDC Hot Cell Operations

Technicians will be processing Ac-225 and Berkelium, Bk-249 (only happens once every two years) - bagging the BerkEx out of the hot cell bank, August 3, 2023.

REDC Hot Cell Operations

The Radiochemical Engineering Development Center (REDC) Hot Cell Operations Group conducts operations within the hot cells of Building 7920, one of the two main hot cell facilities that comprise the REDC. 

It includes glove boxes, chemical and analytical laboratories, safe storage space, and heavily shielded hot cells designed to separate, purify and process radioisotopes. 

Protocol visit - Asmeret Berhe, Director of the Office of Science, received a tour of the Radiochemical Engineering Development Center, REDC, Building 7920 and building 7930, August 17, 2022.  This image has been reviewed by an ORNL Releasing Official and is approved for public release, August 17, 2022.

Operations Mission

Our mission is to ensure the safe and compliant execution of research and development activities by overseeing the production, storage, and distribution of materials for the Department of Energy's heavy element research and distribution program.