The distribution of SCALE to end-users is subject to US export control regulations, and each user must be individually licensed through an authorized distribution center. SCALE licenses are issued through the Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) at ORNL and the Research Organization for Information Science and Technology (RIST) Nuclear Code Information Services (NUCIS) in Japan. Any license fees collected for the distribution of SCALE are retained by these organizations to offset the costs of background checks and media duplication, and no part of the license revenue is used to support SCALE activities.
Requesting SCALE from RSICC
- When completing the required end use statement in the RSICC request form, include a complete description of how you will use the software in your work (as employee) or in your academic studies (as student). It is recommended to provide specific information and avoid general statements such as "to solve work/homework problems", "for a class" or something else along these lines. There should be a good description of the types of problems you will use SCALE to solve.
- Note that the RSICC software selection list only includes the executable SCALE/EXE version. If you need the SOURCE version, you may select the available executable version and include a justification in either the end use statement or in the comments of the request to explain why the SOURCE version is needed.