Xiaosong Geng DAQ Integration Software Engineer, DAQ-Integration Group, Neutron Instrument Technologies Section, Neutron Technologies Division, Neutron Sciences Directorate Contact geng@ornl.gov All Publications Modern Trends in Neutron Scattering Instrument Technologies A Unified User-Friendly Instrument Control and Data Acquisition System for the ORNL SANS Instrument Suite Improving vacuum performance in the warm linac of the Spallation Neutron Source New controller for high voltage converter modulator at spallation neutron source RF Distribution System for High Power Test of the SNS Cryomodule... The Spallation Neutron Source Eight-Channel Pulsed Power Meter... HIGH POWER RF DISTRIBUTION AND CONTROL FOR MULTI-CAVITY CRYOMODULE TESTING STATUS OF THE SPALLATION NEUTRON SOURCE SUPERCONDUCTING RF FACILITIES... Key Links ORCID Organizations Neutron Sciences Directorate Neutron Technologies Division Neutron Instrument Technologies (RP) Section DAQ Hardware Group