Vincente E Guiseppe Senior R&D Staff Contact 865.341.0270 | All Publications Energy calibration of germanium detectors for the Majorana Demonstrator Search for Spontaneous Radiation from Wave Function Collapse in the Majorana Demonstrator Search for Solar Axions via Axion-Photon Coupling with the Majorana Demonstrator... Experimental study of 13C(α,n)16O reactions in the Majorana Demonstrator calibration data The Majorana Demonstrator readout electronics system... α-event characterization and rejection in point-contact HPGe detectors Signatures of muonic activation in the Majorana Demonstrator ADC Nonlinearity Correction for the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR Search for double-β decay of 76Ge to excited states of 76Se with the majorana demonstrator Key Links ORCID LinkedIn GitHub Organizations Physical Sciences Directorate Physics Division Fundamental Nuclear and Particle Physics Section Neutrinos Research Group