Songxue Chi

Songxue Chi

Neutron Scattering Scientist

Songxue Chi is an instrument scientist on the ORNL HB3 triple-axis spectrometer at HFIR. His current scientific interests are in the field of condensed matter physics; in particular in emergent phenomena in strongly correlated materials and complex oxide where the interplay among spin, charge and lattice degrees of freedom often lead to exotic phases. He received his PhD in condensed matter physics from the university of Tennessee, Knoxville. Prior to joining ORNL, he was an instrument scientist at the NIST Center for Neutron Research.

01/2013 – present    Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA  R&D staff

11/2010 – 01/2013    Oak Ridge Associated Universities, USA      Post doctoral associate 

01/2009 – 11/2010    NIST Center for Neutron Research, USA    Instrument scientist

Supplemental Performance Award from ORNL, November 2014.

Chancellor’s Honor for Extraordinary Professional Promise  April, 2008

JINS Neutron Fellowship Feb, 2008

Sigma Pi Sigma, the Physics National Honor Society membership  May, 2006

University of Tennessee, Knoxville, U.S.A.   

Ph. D. in Physics    December 2008


Aug. 2020   Virtual Workshop "Neutrons and Complementary Techniques for Quantum Materials"

Sept. 2022   Virtual Workshop "Neutrons and Complementary Techniques for Quantum Materials"

July 2024     In-Person Workshop "Neutrons and Complementary Techniques for Quantum Materials"

Manuscript Reviews

Peer reviews for more than 20 research journals such as Nature Physics, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B and Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter.

Funding Reviews

2024   Discovery and Innovation Grant for the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

2024   Technical Reviewer for ORNL LDRD proposal

Beamtime Proposal Reviews

2010 - present  NCNR proposal reviewer

Editorial Roles:

Associate Editor for Frontiers in Electronic Materials

Advisory Board

2022- present    Advisory board member of the DOE supported consortium CA2REERs 

Technical Support

High-Temperature Steering committee

IPTS Feasibility Review Work Group

HFIR Beam Room Planning Work Group

"Wash Up Meeting" Work Group

American Physical Society

Neutron Scattering Society of America

TAX (HB-3), the high flux thermal neutron triple-axis spectrometer