Ronald D Ott
Chief Operating Officer, Energy Science and Technology Directorate
Ron Ott is Chief Operating Officer for the Energy Science and Technology Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. In this role, Ron works with the Associate Laboratory Director to lead directorate level strategic planning and to formulate and execute long-term operations strategies that support science and technology priorities.
Ron brings a wealth of experience to this role, having served as a senior R&D staff member, group leader, deputy division director, and program manager as well as performing two offsite assignments at DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). The combination of his diverse experiences and knowledge of EERE, ORNL operations, and division and program leadership make him well suited for this new position.
Ron earned his B.S. in mechanical engineering and his M.S. and Ph.D. in materials engineering from the University of Alabama, Birmingham. He completed his doctoral work at ORNL in 1997 through the High Temperature Materials Laboratory graduate fellowship program and returned as staff in 1999. He has authored 60 publications, holds 12 patents or patent applications, and has won two R&D 100 Awards and a Federal Laboratory Consortium Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer.