Ramkumar Venkataraman Contact 865.574.4247 | venkataramar@ornl.gov All Publications Summary of the Workshop on M400 High-Resolution CZT Detector Safeguards Applications Application of Hybrid K-Edge Densitometry in Reprocessing Facilities Segmented Gamma Scanner for Radioactive Waste Assessment: A User Guide Realistic application of short-lived fission product delayed neutron, gamma-ray analysis for simultaneous nondestructive trace quantification of U, Pu mixtures on cellulose swipes Gamma-Ray Imaging to Monitor Accumulating Holdup Measurement of the Effective Capture Cross Section of 238Np in the High Flux Isotope Reactor Thermal impacts on nondestructive analysis measurements of uranium hexafluoride VERIFICATION MEASUREMENTS OF THE MASS AND ENRICHMENT OF URANIUM OXIDE CARD SOURCES Quantitative Holdup Determinations Using Coded-Aperture Gamma-Ray Imaging Development of a 83 mKr source for the calibration of the CENNS-10 liquid argon detector... Heterogeneity effects on nondestructive assay measurements of enrichment in UF6 cylinders Comparison of Gamma-Ray Spectral Analysis Methods for Thick-walled UF6 Cylinders Applications of HPGe-detected high energy gamma rays toward quantifying neutron emission rates and 234U enrichment in UF6 cylinders MEASUREMENT OF THE INTEGRAL CAPTURE AND FISSION CROSS SECTION OF 238NP Gamma Equipment System Requirements by Application Nuclear Data – Benchmarking 19F(alpha,n) Yield Data for Nuclear Safeguards... Guide for Employing High-Resolution Gamma Spectroscopy for 252Cf Source Age and Isotopic Composition Status of (α,n)-reaction data for nuclear safeguards Key Links ORCID Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate