Prashant Nagapurkar is a R&D Associate Staff Member in the manufacturing energy efficiency and research analysis group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). He possesses doctorate and master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, US while also possessing bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from University of Pune, India. Dr. Nagapurkar’s doctoral dissertation was focused on conducting techno-economic optimization and environmental assessment (LCA) of a microgrid using Genetic algorithm and Artificial Neural Networks for cities located in the US. In this work, he developed a dynamic energy generation and consumption model of a small electric grid (microgrid) consisting of solar PV, wind turbine, lead acid battery, biodiesel generator, fuel cell and electrolyzer. To predict the electricity demand of the US cities, machine learning techniques such as artificial neural networks, complex trees, support vector machines (SVM), etc. were utilized based on historical data. In addition to this work, Dr. Nagapurkar also conducted a TEA and LCA of a supercritical biodiesel production process for a plant located in the Midwest region of US using softwares such as Aspen plus and GREET.
At ORNL, Dr. Nagapurkar is currently focused on conducting techno-economic and life cycle assessment (LCA) of semiconductor manufacturing process in addition to other industrial processes such as coal to carbon fiber manufacture.
Dr. Nagapurkar’s career interests include conducting TEA-LCA (LCA) of chemical and manufacturing processes. He also possesses interests in applying data science and machine learning approaches within the domain of sustainable energy.
Dr. Nagapurkar has previously worked at Shell Oil Company, Houston in the department of Materials and Corrosion. He also possesses experience working as a Process Engineer in Praj Industries, India wherein he developed mass and energy balances, PFDs, P&IDs, equipment lists, and equipment layouts for ethanol fermentation and distilleries (bio refineries) using softwares such as Aspen Hysys, Chemcad, HTRI. Mr. Nagapurkar possesses an Engineer in Training (EIT) certification from Texas board of Professional Engineers and has also passed the Professionals of Engineering (PE) exam. During his free time, he loves to go on hiking adventures and engage in activities such as swimming, jogging and working out at the gym.
Distinguished PhD Dissertation Award by Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2019.
Techno-economic and life cycle analyses for a supercritical biodiesel production process from waste…
Other Publications
Prashant Nagapurkar, Joseph Smith, ‘Techno-Economic Optimization and Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Microgrids located in the US using Genetic Algorithm’, Elsevier’s Energy Conversion and Management Journal, 2019, 181, Pg. 272-291 (Impact Factor – 6.3). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2018.11.072
Prashant Nagapurkar, Joseph Smith, ‘Techno-economic Optimization and Social Costs Assessment Microgrids in the US using Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Networks: A Case Study for Two US Cities’ – Elsevier’s Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 229, 552-569 (Impact Factor – 6.2). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.05.005
Prashant Nagapurkar, Joseph Smith, ‘A review of the risks to water resources due to unconventional Shale gas development in the US – An application to the Kurdistan region of Iraq’, International Conference on Environmental impacts of the Oil and Gas Industries: Kurdistan Region of Iraq as case study, April 17-19, 2017, Kurdistan, Iraq. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/EIOGI.2017.8267621
Prashant Nagapurkar, Shyam Paudel, Joseph Smith, ‘Improving Process Sustainability and Profitability for a large US Gray Iron foundry’, Green Growth and efficient Resource Use, Paper #1284, 33rd System Dynamic Conference of System Dynamics Conference, July 19-23, 2015, Cambridge, USA. DOI: https://proceedings.systemdynamics.org/2015/papers/P1284.pdf
Book Chapter:
K. Buchheit J.D. Smith, H. Golpour, H. Al-Rubaye, H. Zhang, J. Hartvigson, P. Nagapurkar, A. Hassan, V.M. Rao, M. Fikru, Hybrid Energy Systems, Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing, Taylor & Francis, 2016.