Paul Lemar has over 30 years of experience in engineering, economic and environmental analysis of energy efficiency technologies and management practices. Since 2009, he has served as Technical Account Manager for over 20 Better Plants partners under U.S. Department of Energy Better Plants Program. As technical advisor, he develops energy intensity metrics, models and analyzes energy performance, and structures ISO 50001 energy management systems. He has also conducted over 25 treasure hunts and energy assessments for industrial facilities in North America and Europe, and consults regularly on combined heat and power as well as renewables feasibility and interconnection. He holds Mechanical Engineering and MBA degrees from the University of Maryland.
Professional Experience
Mr. Lemar has broad experience in engineering, economic, and environmental analysis of combined heat and power (CHP), distributed generation (DG), renewables and alternative fuels, and emerging technologies such as fuel cells and energy storage.
Under the DOE Better Plants and Better Climate Challenge Programs , he advises over 25 manufacturing companies and wastewater treatment agencies on energy reduction strategies, accounting for energy improvements, facility energy assessments, and implementation of energy projects.
He has extensive complex modelling experience, overseeing the development and application of the Distributed Power Economic Rationale Selection (DISPERSE) model and directing assessments of CHP, DG, and renewable fuel markets using the model.
For decades, he advised the District of Columbia Public Service Commission on updating their Small Generator Facility Interconnection Rules, which affect how solar and energy storage systems interact with the grid, and includes proposing rule changes to conform to best practices from other jurisdictions, as well as briefing Staff and Commissioners.
Mr. Lemar is also a noted lecturer and author, regularly addresses utility, manufacturer, and industrial audiences on topics such as onsite power systems and cogeneration, interconnection with the grid, industrial energy use, efficiency improvement, and the increasing importance of environmental concerns such as carbon footprint and climate change.
Industrial Energy Assessments
Over the past 15 years, Mr. Lemar has organized, facilitated and conducted over 25 multi-day energy assessments for industrial facilities in chemicals, food processing, paper, plastics, wastewater, water, and metals fabricators in throughout U.S. and Europe.
The energy assessments identified, quantified, and prioritize energy performance improvements . Each assessment identified 10-25% energy savings, and typically over $150,000 in annual savings per assessment, with an average payback of 1-3 years. These project detailed implementation recommendations as well as project costing information, for making business decisions and budgeting.
Assessments targeted compressed air, heating ventilation and air conditioning, lighting, and process energy uses. The approach was to provide prioritized modifications to improve energy performance, by identifying improvement measures to improve energy performance, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and lower energy costs.
Over 25 specific plant assessments included:
- Machinery/metals fabricators in IN, SC (2 plants), TN (twice), France (3 plants)
- Chemical plants in VA, LA, ID, CA, WA, WY (2 plants)
- Food processing plants in PA, WA (twice)
- Paper mill in WI, plastics processors in NY, VA (twice)
- Wastewater treatment plants in AZ, CA (2 water/1 wastewater), RI (twice)
Systems level assessments focused on pumps, steam, refrigeration, compressed air, fans, wastewater treatment, and process heating.
Development of Compressed Air Training
For Energy Center of Wisconsin, developed industry-standard compressed air focused training program for the Compressed Air Challenge. Assembled group of compressed air auditors, developed organization of training and oversaw development of content and class exercise problems. Enhanced the initial training program designed to train established professional auditors, and developed the technical refresher program for those in need of skills enhancement in evaluating compressed air systems.
VFD Assessments and Modelling
For Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI),conducted feasibility studies for 12 utility and industrial sites, evaluating hundreds of motor applications for potential applications of variable frequency drives. Summary reports were developed for broader distribution, which characterized the opportunities for variable frequency drives for industrial AC motor applications. In addition, developed a model to estimate changes in motor electricity due to application of variable frequency drives (VFDs). The model also determines the financial returns for investment in VFDs. Users of the model include electric utilities, industrial plants, and equipment manufacturers.
Evaluating Energy Performance of Large Manufacturers
For the DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office, he currently served as a Technical Account Manager for over 25 Better Plants partners, including several metals fabrication, chemicals, paper and plastics companies and water/wastewater utilities. Mr. Lemar advised these companies on developing energy intensity metrics, collecting and analyzing data, developing a baseline period, and interpreting their reductions in energy intensity. Over half of the partners he advised have reached their 10 year energy reduction goals. Also provides training and analysis of linear regression techniques using the DOE EnPI tool, and conducted on-site training and energy assessments through In Plant Trainings, scheduling and conducting the training events, identifying energy projects, collecting data and performing energy and economic evaluations. Mr. Lemar worked with multiple partners to advance to the Challenge level, engage with their suppliers, track water intensity performance, and implement the ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard.
Study of Residential Fuel Cell Markets in California
Conducted a client confidential study for major OEM, including an in-depth, quantitative study of the financial benefits of installing residential fuel cell generators, for homeowners in California and other high value areas in U.S. Consumers have faced electric rate increases of 30-50% or more over the past decade, and are investing more than even in grid alternatives like PV, backup generation, or energy storage to minimize grid dependence. Detailed utility rate tariffs were applied to hourly electric and hot water usage patterns, to determine monthly energy bills for medium and large homes. Fuel cell system specifications were applied to determine the cost to generate heat and electricity, the changes in energy bills, and comparison with solar system options. Evaluated combined heat and power (CHP) options coupled with battery energy storage or net energy metering, using both natural gas or renewable natural gas. Three business models were evaluated, including customer ownership; third party (ESCO), and gas utility. The California market was recommended as a very large and immediately addressable market for the fuel cell, with potential for over $5 billion in sales in over half a million qualified homes. Recommended specific rate tariff options for path to market which maximized customer return on investment.
Development of Interconnection Standards and Rules for DC
For the DC Public Service Commission, provided consulting services to develop interconnection rules and net metering procedures. Facilitated discussion with project developers and utility to develop rule revisions which conformed with best practices from other states, IEEE standards, utility procedures, as well as project developer specifications, included developing the rule revisions, justification for changes, and presenting the rules to the renewable project developer community and to Commissioners. Analyzed inverter specifications, UL standards for inverter testing, and conformance with IEEE standards. Developed reviews of model rules and other jurisdictions, impact of standards on high renewable penetrations, rule change summaries to Commissioners and PSC staff.
Modeling of Flexible CHP Impact on California’s Electric Grid
In a multi-year analytic project for DOE, developed a modeling approach to assess key ways in which additional CHP deployment in California could offer benefits to the state’s electric grid. Constructed innovative modelling structure with National Renewable Energy Laboratory to model grid economic interaction with flexible CHP units to provide energy during periods when solar generation is dropping off; and also use these systems as a source of valuable reserve capacity. The Phase I analysis showed that flexible CHP units could generate over $1.2B of site energy cost savings for industrial owners in California, reduce California grid costs by up to $265M annually, and help the state avoid as much as $106M worth of new capacity construction. In addition, deployment of flexible CHP generation could reduce the number of high stress hours on the grid. Phase II analysis showed even higher grid savings of $900 million, with similar site energy cost reduction savings, due to advanced CHP technology.
Opportunity Fuels with CHP
For U.S. Department of Energy, Advanced Manufacturing Office, conducted a study under contract with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, for DOE that identified many alternative fuels that are currently waste products that could be used for onsite power generation (including CHP applications), such as landfill gas, anaerobic digester gas, and biomass. Identified the key opportunity fuels for each state, the most likely power generation applications, and the market potential for these applications using the DISPERSE model. Assessed state renewable portfolio standards and how these could impact demand for opportunity-fueled projects. Presented this information to many audiences, including a group of landfill and wastewater treatment operators in Utah and a group of CHP application centers nationwide.
Propane DG Markets and Technologies
For Propane Education & Research Council (PERC), developed a technology assessment focused on the current cost, performance, and availability of propane-fueled systems to the U.S. market. Assessed the market for specific DG applications, including CHP, remote power, and gas heat pumps, to determine which segments and regional markets could encourage penetration or growth in propane DG. The off-grid applications included analysis of photovoltaic (PV)/battery installations in the residential sites in multiple states in the United States, as well as PV hybrid applications that pair a propane generator with the PV battery system. The gas heat pump analysis focused on residential and building applications in five states with favorable energy pricing, examining emerging gas heat pump technology such as multi-zone units built in Japan. Together, these assessments are aiding PERC in targeting its follow-on research and development in propane DG.
Market Analysis of Solar Water Heating Installations
For EPRI and New York State Electric and Gas, developed market analysis of commercially available solar thermal hot water heaters and how they would apply to residential locations in upstate New York. Performed sensitivity analysis quantifying value of greenhouse gas reductions based on projected offset pricing and assessed how stronger incentives would impact the upstate New York market.
EPA CHP Partnership support
Provided ongoing support to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) CHP Partnership, including updating and expanding the Partnership’s report on opportunities for CHP at wastewater treatment facilities. Reviewed and commented on a case-by-case basis on CHP ENERGY STAR® applications prior to awards. Participated in strategic planning sessions, made technical presentations on behalf of the Partnership, and provided ad-hoc responses to partner queries for more technical information on CHP applications.
Regional CHP Market and Sales Target Projections
Developed regional market potential estimates of DG and CHP applications for the entire United States, for Cummins, Inc.. Oversaw the modeling of natural gas pricing, utility rates, and cost and performance of DG units in the Cummins product line. The results were provided for the entire U.S. market as well as regional breakdowns using census regions. Other key facets of the market were revealed by the analysis, including a breakdown of landfill and municipal wastewater segments. Regional results highlighted the top utilities for each region and the number of potential applications and potential megawatts that were found to be economic.
Biomass Power Forecast for Renewable Industry Associations
Developed biomass power forecast for the American Council on Renewable Energy’s The Outlook on Renewable Energy in America, Volume II: Joint Summary Report. Represented the biopower industry in a group of authors that represented the wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, and biofuel industry associations.
Study of DG for Transmission Deferral
For New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, conducted a study of the feasibility of DG projects as alternatives to traditional transmission and distribution (T&D) system investments. Published in 2006, the study identifies key factors that make DG a competitive alternative to T&D investments and performs a statewide screen to identify specific areas where these factors are prominent.
Study of GHG impact of CHP
Led a study of CHP emission impacts for the Clean Energy Futures (CEF) project being conducted led by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Analyzed the greenhouse gas emissions impact of policy options related to CHP for the CEF study. The CEF study was unique in that it analyzed the impact of specific policies on the market potential for CHP.
Survey of Industrial Site Technology
Working with utilities Philadelphia Electric, Illinois Power, Green Mountain Power. Designed and managed industrial technology surveys for thousands of managed utility customers, focusing on new process technologies. Survey instrument focused on collecting critical data on customer plant operations and current technologies. In addition, survey collected data on planned technology changes and driving factors.
M.B.A., University of Maryland, 1990
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, 1983
Other Publications
- Residential Fuel Cell Market Study, Client Confidential, January 2021
- "Modeling the Impact of Flexible CHP on the Future Electric Grid In California", 2020, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- "Better Plants Program and Energy Efficiency Metrics", 8th Annual Wastewater Treatment VIRTUAL Technical Seminar, 2020, AZ Water Association
- Energy Audit in Accordance with NF EN 16247-1, Lennox EMEA, Longvic, Genas, and Mions, France, 2019
- "Notice of Final Rulemaking - RM-40-2017-01, In The Matter of 15 DCMR Chapter 40 — District of Columbia Small Generator Interconnection Rules", 2019, District of Columbia, Public Service Commission
- "Modeling the Impact of Flexible CHP on California's Future Electric Grid", 2018, U.S. Department Energy
- "Modeling the Impact of Flexible CHP on California's Future Electric Grid", CHPA 2018 Policy Forum, Washington DC, 2018, Combined Heat and Power Association
- "Developments in Interconnection Standards for Higher Renewable Penetration", World Energy Engineering Congress, Charlotte, NC, 2018, Association of Energy Engineers
- "Energy Data Management Manual for the Wastewater Treatment Sector", 2017, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- "Air Quality Impacts of Projections of Natural Gas-Fired Distributed Generation", Atmospheric Environment, 2017, Elsevier
- "An Examination of Energy Performance Metrics for the Wastewater Treatment Sector", WEFTEC 2017, 2017, Water Environment Federation
- "Combined Heat and Power Market Potential for Opportunity Fuels", 2015, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- "Opportunities for Combined Heat and Power at Wastewater Treatment Facilities: Market Analysis and Lessons from the Field", US EPA Combined Heat and Power Partnership, 2011, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- "I-95 Hydrogen Highway Development, Transitions Scenarios and Early Adopters", The NHA Annual Hydrogen Conference, 2008, National Hydrogen Association
- "Development of the I-95 Hydrogen Roadway", NHA Annual Hydrogen Conference, 2007, National Hydrogen Association
- "An Indigenous Resource Hydrogen Infrastructure in Pennsylvania", The NHA Annual Hydrogen Conference, 2007, National Hydrogen Association