Pankaj Dahal

Pankaj M Dahal

Technical Professional Staff

Pankaj Dahal is a Technical Professional Staff Member in the Transportation Analytics & Decision Science Group (TADS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. His primary focus is on streamlining data pipeline automating processes like data acquisition, processing, and compilation for the Transportation Energy Data Book. Additionally, he plays an active role in the development and maintenance of both the frontend and backend systems for the New York State Department of Transportation ( and the National Household Travel Survey ( He is currently working on processing and analyzing Carload Waybill Dataset from the Surface Transportation Board (STB) to identify potential rail corridors for decarbonization. His research interests include freight transportation data analytics, transportation network modeling, travel behavior analysis and statistical modeling.

Center of Transportation Fellow Award, 2021

  • Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, from University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • Master's in Statistics from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • B.E. in Civil Engineering from Tribhuvan University, Nepal.

UT Nepalese Student Association, President, 2017

UTK ITE, Vice President, 2016