Dr. Oscar Hernandez is a senior staff member of the Advanced Computing System Research section and a member of the Beyond Moores group, focusing on co-design and future architecture studies for scientific computing. He also supports different aspects of the Programming Environment and Tools for the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF) and testbed program. With experience in establishing and driving numerous industry specifications, including OpenACC, OpenMP, OpenSHMEM, and UCX, he actively participates in the Unified Communication Framework (UCF) community as well. At Oak Ridge National Laboratory, he closely collaborates with application teams such as the CAAR and INCITE efforts to address their application requirements through HPC software ecosystems. Currently, his focus lies in co-designing programming environment for novel architectures and working closely with vendors to plan for future programming models. He has been involved in several projects funded by the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense, the National Science Foundation, and industrial partners in the oil and gas sector.
Professional Experience
- Senior R&D staff member at ORNL
- R&D 100 Award - Unified Communication X (2019)
- Phd in Computer Science at the University of Houston (2008)