Nadim Hmeidat

Nadim S Hmeidat

Dr. Hmeidat, a Materials Scientist at the ORNL’s Manufacturing Demonstration Facility (MDF), is actively engaged in several DOE-sponsored projects spanning materials science, engineering, chemistry, and advanced manufacturing. Prior to joining ORNL, Dr. Hmeidat served as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). His research interests encompass traditional and additive manufacturing of polymer composites and ceramics, next-generation multifunctional materials, frontal polymerization, recyclable/sustainable composites, adhesives and joining, thermally insulating materials, and others.

He has authored over 20 scientific papers, including a book chapter, in esteemed journals and proceedings, has received several awards and recognitions including the UTF Dr. Hui Ph Memorial Scholarship, Center for Materials Processing (CMP) Fellowship, Award of Merit for Research, and SAMPE 2024 Young Professional Emerging Leadership Award Finalist. Dr. Hmeidat has several ORNL’s patent disclosures and is a professional member of SAMPE and SME. He received his doctorate in mechanical engineering with an emphasis on additive manufacturing of thermoset polymer composites from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. 

SAMPE 2024 Young Professional Emerging Leadership Award Finalist, April 2024.

Award of Merit for Research, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, April 2021. 

Center for Materials Processing (CMP) Fellowship, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, May 2020. 

UTF Dr. Hui Ph Memorial Scholarship, Mechanical Engineering Department, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, July 2019.

Research Travel Grant – National Science Foundation (NSF), June 2019.

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK), USA

  • May 2022 – Sep 2023        Post-Doctoral Research Associate, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • May 2021 – May 2022       Research Associate, Chemistry Department, University of Tennessee
  • Aug 2015 – May 2021       Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant, University of Tennessee

Hmeidat, N. S., Zakoworotny, M., Parikh, N.A., Le, T.B., Agrawal, P., Debrun, G., Baur, J., Geubelle, P.H., Tawfick, S.H., Sottos, N.R. “Additive Manufacturing of Frontally-Polymerizable Continuous Carbon Fiber Tow-Based Composites.”, Proceedings of the 38th ASC Annual Technical Conference (2023).

Wilt, J. K., Hmeidat, N. S., Bohling, J. W, & Compton, B. G. “Improving interlaminar thermal conductivity of 3D printed composites via Rotational Direct Ink Writing”, (2023), Additive Manufacturing Letters. 

Saha, S., Hmeidat, N.S., Park, C., Yeole, P., Millen, S.L., Murphy, A., Knouff, B., Theodore, M., Vaidya, U., Hassen, A.A., Kunc, V., Kumar, V., “Enhanced Lightning Strike Protection using Vertically Oriented Carbon Fiber Melded with Conventional Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Composite and its Validation Through Damage Analysis.” Proceedings of the 38th ASC Annual Technical Conference (2023).

Kumar, V., Lin, W., Wang., Y, Spencer, R., Park, C., Yeole, P., Hmeidat, N.S., et al. “Enhanced Through-Thickness Electrical Conductivity and Lightning Strike Damage Response of Interleaved Vertically Aligned Short Carbon Fiber Composites”, (2023), Composites Part B: Engineering. 

Brown, B., Hmeidat, N. S., Jia, X., Wilt, J., Roberts, M., Compton, B. G., & Vermaak, N. (2022). Experimental investigations of the effectiveness of simultaneous topology/orientation optimization via SOMP and principal stress directions. Materials & Design, 217, 110647. 

Barnett, P., Hmeidat, N. S., Penumadu, D., “Toward zero-waste manufacturing of carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites”, Proceedings of the 37th ASC Annual Technical Conference (2022).

Riggins, A., Hmeidat, N. S., Yu, J., Dadmun, M. (2022). “Light-Initiated Reactive Processing in FFF 3D Printed High-Performance Polymers”. Bulletin of the American Physical Society.

Weyhrich, C. W., Scott, P. J., Williams, C. B., Long, T., E., Hmeidat, N. S., et al. “Polymeric Materials for Additive Manufacturing”, Macromolecular Engineering: From Precise Synthesis to Macroscopic Materials and Applications (2022), 'Invited Book Chapter'.

Hmeidat, N. S., Elkins, D. S., Peter, H., Kumar, V., & Compton, B. G. “Processing and mechanical characterization of carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy composites for material extrusion additive manufacturing”, (2021), Composites Part B: Engineering. 

Hmeidat, N. S., Brown, B., Jia, X., Vermaak, N & Compton, B. G. “Effects of infill patterns on the strength and stiffness of topologically optimized geometries”, Rapid Prototyping (2021). 

B.G. Compton, J.K. Wilt, J.W. Kemp, N.S. Hmeidat, S.R. Maness, M. Edmond, S. Wilcenski, and J. Taylor, “Mechanical and thermal properties of 3D-printed epoxy composite reinforced with boron nitride nanobarbs.” (2021) MRS Communications Special Issue: Polymers for Additive Manufacturing, pp.1-6.

E.B. Trigg, N.S. Hmeidat, L.M Smieska, A.R. Woll, B.G. Compton, and H. Koerner, “Revealing filler morphology in 3D-printed thermoset nanocomposites by scanning microbeam SAXS and WAXS.” Additive Manufacturing. (2021) DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2020.101729. 

R.C. Pack, S.K. Romberg, A.A. Badran, N.S. Hmeidat, T. Yount, and B.G. Compton, “Carbon fiber and syntactic foam hybrid materials via core-shell material extrusion additive manufacturing.” Advanced Materials Technologies (In press). DOI: 10.1002/admt.202000731. 

N.S. Hmeidat, R.C. Pack, S.J. Talley, R.B. Moore, and B.G. Compton, “Mechanical anisotropy in polymer composites produced by material extrusion additive manufacturing.” Additive Manufacturing, 34 (2020). DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2020.101385. 

J.W. Kemp, N.S. Hmeidat, and B.G. Compton, “Boron nitride-reinforced polysilazane-derived ceramic composites via direct-ink writing.” Journal of the American Ceramic Society (2020). DOI: 10.1111/JACE.17084. 

C. Duty, C. Ajinjeru,V. Kishore, B. Compton, N. Hmeidat, X. Chen, P. Liu, A. Hassam, J. Lindahl, and V. Kunc, “What makes a material printable? A viscoelastic model for extrusion-based 3D printing of polymers,” Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 35, 526-537 (2018). DOI: 10.1016/j.jmapro.2018.08.008. 

N.S. Hmeidat, J.W. Kemp, and B.G. Compton, “High-strength epoxy nanocomposites for 3D printing,” Composites Science and Technology, 160, 9-20 (2018) DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2018.03.008. 

B.G. Compton, N.S. Hmeidat, J.W. Kemp, R.C. Pack, M.F. Heres, and J.R. Sangoro, “Electrical and mechanical properties of 3D-printed graphene-reinforced epoxy,” JOM, 70 (3), (2018).

C.E. Duty, C. Ajinjeru, V. Kishore, B.G. Compton, N.S. Hmeidat, X. Chen, P. Liu, A.A. Hassen, J. Lindahl, and V. Kunc, “A viscoelastic model for evaluating extrusion-based print conditions,” Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium – An Additive Manufacturing Conference, (2017). OSTI Identifier: 1474690.