M. A. H. Monil Research Scientist Contact 865.341.2038 | monilm@ornl.gov All Publications A Performance-Portable MultiGPU Implementation of 3D Euler Equations using ProtoX and IRIS CHARM-SYCL & IRIS: A Tool Chain for Performance Portability on Extremely Heterogeneous Systems IRIS Reimagined: Advancements in Intelligent Runtime System for Task-Based Programming MatRIS: Addressing the Challenges for Portability and Heterogeneity Using Tasking for Matrix Decomposition (Cholesky) IRIS: Exploring Performance Scaling of the Intelligent Runtime System and its Dynamic Scheduling Policies FFTX-IRIS: Towards Performance Portability and Heterogeneity for SPIRAL Generated Code... MatRIS: Multi-level Math Library Abstraction for Heterogeneity and Performance Portability using IRIS Runtime... IRIS-DMEM: Efficient Memory Management for Heterogeneous Computing Tiling Framework for Heterogeneous Computing of Matrix based Tiled Algorithms IRIS-BLAS: Towards a Performance Portable and Heterogeneous BLAS Library... Leveraging Compiler-Based Translation to Evaluate a Diversity of Exascale Platforms LaRIS: Targeting Portability and Productivity for LAPACK Codes on Extreme Heterogeneous Systems by Using IRIS Evaluating HPC Kernels for Processing in Memory MAPredict: Static Analysis Driven Memory Access Prediction Framework for Modern CPUs Comparing LLC-Memory Traffic between CPU and GPU Architectures Key Links Google Scholar ORCID LinkedIn Organizations Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate Computer Science and Mathematics Division Advanced Computing Systems Research Section Architectures and Performance Group