I am a senior scientist working in the Neutron Science Directorate in the role of computational instrument scientist supporting the engineering diffractometers. I specialize in diffraction techniques and their use to characterise atomic level structure in both crystalline, and non-crystalline phases. I have particular expertise in time-of-flight diffraction, data reduction and diffractometer calibration. I also have a long standing scientific interest in high-pressure structural physics and, prior to working for the SNS, lead the high-pressure platform at the European Spallation Source.
Professional Experience
2014-2021 High Pressure Lead, Scientific Activities Division, European Spallation Source, Lund, Sweden
2009-2014 Science Thrust Leader, EFree Energy Frontier Research Center, Washington DC, USA
2008-2009 Staff Scientist, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne, IL USA
2004-2008 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh, based at ISIS Facility, Didcot UK
2002-2004 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, based at IPNS Facility, Argonne, IL USA