John C Ramsey Contact All Publications Study of neutron beta decay with the Nab experiment Fill and dump measurement of the neutron lifetime using an asymmetric magneto-gravitational trap A novel silicon photomultiplier readout architecture for low-light applications Improved Neutron Lifetime Measurement with UCNτ Effect of an electric field on liquid helium scintillation produced by fast electrons Status of the UCN τ experiment The neutron electric dipole moment experiment at the Spallation Neutron Source The Nab experiment: A precision measurement of unpolarized neutron beta decay A new cryogenic apparatus to search for the neutron electric dipole moment Using Nab to determine correlations in unpolarized neutron decay Design and implementation of a non-magnetic cryogenic multi-conductor vacuum feedthrough Cavallo's multiplier for in situ generation of high voltage Search for dark matter decay of the free neutron from the UCNA experiment: n→χ+e+e− New result for the neutron β-asymmetry parameter A0 from UCNA Performance of the upgraded ultracold neutron source at Los Alamos National Laboratory and its implication for a possible neutron electric dipole moment experiment First direct constraints on Fierz interference in free-neutron β decay Measurement of spin-flip probabilities for ultracold neutrons interacting with nickel phosphorus coated surfaces Key Links ORCID nEDM@SNS Experiment Page ORCID iD Organizations Physical Sciences Directorate Physics Division Fundamental Nuclear and Particle Physics Section Neutron Symmetries Group