Jeffery R Price Group Leader, Manufacturing Systems Analytics Contact All Publications FY 2024 Multidimensional Data Correlation Platform: Unified Software Architecture For Advanced Materials And Manufacturing Te... 3D and Multispectral Imaging For Subcutaneous Structures Classification And Analysis Improving light propagation Monte Carlo simulations with accurate 3D modeling of skin tissue Image Informatics for Clinical and Preclinical Biomedical Analysis Automated optical microscopy of coated particle fuel 3D Multispectral Light Propagation Model For Subcutaneous Veins Imaging... On the Efficacy of Correcting for Refractive Effects in Iris Recognition Improvements in Level Set Segmentation of 3D Small Animal Imagery Combining near-infrared illuminants to optimize venous imaging... Improving resolution in microscopic holography by computationally fusing multiple, obliquely-illuminated object waves in the Fourier domain Automatic Characterization of Cross-section Coated Particle Nuclear Fuel using Greedy Coupled Bayesian Snakes A novel fluorescence imaging technique combining deconvolution microscopy and spectral analysis for quantitative detection of opportunistic pathogens Image-based informatics for Preclinical Biomedical Research... Image-based Informatics for Preclinical Biomedical Research A 3D Level Sets Method for Segmenting the Mouse Spleen and Follicles in Volumetric microCT Images Automated Feature Generation in Large-Scale Geospatial Libraries for Content-Based Indexing. Near-infrared imaging and structured light ranging for automatic catheter insertion"... Large-Scale Geospatial Indexing for Image-Based Retrieval and Analysis Quantitative Comparison of Mitotic Spindles by Confocal Image Analysis Optical Spatial Heterodyned Interferometry for Inspection of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Key Links Curriculum Vitae Google Scholar ORCID LinkedIn Organizations Energy Science and Technology Directorate Manufacturing Science Division Secure and Digital Manufacturing Section Manufacturing Systems Analytics Group