Michael Whitaker is the Group leader of the ORNL International Safeguards Group in the Nuclear Nonproliferation Division. He is the manager of the ORNL international safeguards program which provides technical support for U.S. initiatives to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of international safeguards. Specific projects include researching and developing inspection and evaluation tools for the IAEA, conducting training for IAEA inspectors, coordinating the application of IAEA safeguards at U.S. nuclear facilities, and assisting countries prepare for and implement IAEA safeguards at their nuclear facilities.
Michael holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering and MS in Engineering Management from the University of Tennessee. He has been involved in international safeguards for over 35 years and has previously worked at the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (ORGDP) and at the Y-12 National Security Complex before the international safeguards program was relocated to ORNL. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management.